2.1 Radioactive decay
decay is the process in which an unstable atomic
nucleus loses energy by emitting radiation in
the form of particles or electromagnetic waves. This decay, or loss
of energy, results in an atom of one type, called the parent nuclide
transforming to an atom of a different type, called the daughter nuclide. For
example: a carbon-14 atom (the "parent") emits radiation and
transforms to a nitrogen-14 atom (the "daughter"). This is a random process on
the atomic level, in that it is impossible to predict when a particular atom will decay, but given
a large number of similar atoms, the decay rate, on average, is predictable.
FIG;The trefoil symbol is used to indicate radioactive
FIG; The danger classification sign of radioactive materials
The SI unit of radioactive decay (the
phenomenon of natural and artificial radioactivity) is the becquerel
(Bq). One Bq is defined as one transformation (or decay) per second. Since any
reasonably-sized sample of radioactive material contains many atoms, a Bq is a
tiny measure of activity; amounts on the order of TBq (terabecquerel) or GBq
(gigabecquerel) are commonly used. Another unit of (radio)activity is the curie, Ci, which was
originally defined as the activity of one gram of pure radium, isotope
Ra-226. At present it is equal (by definition) to the activity of any
radionuclide decaying with a disintegration rate of 3.7 × 1010 Bq.
The use of Ci is presently discouraged by SI.
The neutrons and protons that
constitute nuclei, as well as other particles that may approach them, are
governed by several interactions. The strong
nuclear force, not observed at the familiar macroscopic
scale, is the most powerful force over subatomic distances. The electrostatic
force is also significant, while the weak
nuclear force is responsible for beta decay.
The interplay of these forces is simple. Some
configurations of the particles in a nucleus have the property that, should
they shift ever so slightly, the particles could fall into a lower-energy arrangement
(with the extra energy moving elsewhere). One might draw an analogy with a
snowfield on a mountain: while friction between the snow crystals can support the snow's
weight, the system is inherently unstable with regard to a
lower-potential-energy state, and a disturbance may facilitate the path to a
greater entropy state (i.e., towards the ground state where heat will be produced,
and thus total energy is distributed over a larger number of quantum
states). Thus, an avalanche results. The total energy does not change in this process, but because of
entropy effects, avalanches only happen in one direction, and the end of this
direction, which is dictated by the largest number of chance-mediated ways to
distribute available energy, is what we commonly refer to as the "ground
Such a collapse (a decay event) requires
a specific activation energy. In the case of a snow
avalanche, this energy classically comes as a disturbance from outside the
system, although such disturbances can be arbitrarily small. In the case of an
excited atomic nucleus, the arbitrarily small disturbance
comes from quantum vacuum fluctuations. A nucleus (or any excited
system in quantum mechanics) is unstable, and can thus spontaneously stabilize
to a less-excited system. This process is driven by entropy considerations: the
energy does not change, but at the end of the process, the total energy is more
diffused in spacial volume. The resulting transformation alters the structure
of the nucleus. Such a reaction is thus a nuclear
reaction, in contrast to chemical
reactions, which also are driven by entropy, but which involve changes in
the arrangement of the outer electrons of atoms, rather than their nuclei.
Some nuclear
reactions do involve
external sources of energy, in the form of collisions with outside particles.
However, these are not considered decay. Rather, they are examples of induced nuclear
reactions. Nuclear fission and fusion
are common types of induced nuclear reactions.
2.2 Types
of Radioactive Decay
There are two types of
radioactive decays
natural Radioactive decay
Artificial Radioactive Decay.
Radioactive Decay
The words "radioactivity"
and "radiation" come from "radius".
RADIATION means any sort of an energy form spreading
out from a centre. Radio waves, light, infrared light and microwaves are all
examples of radiation. These types of radiation are all related, they are
members of the ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM and all travel at the speed of light, 3
x 108ms-1.
The radiation associated with radioactivity, however, is far
more violent, that is, energetic. This radiation is classed as IONISING
RADIATION as the radiation from the nuclei can easily destroy molecules by
stripping away electrons from their atoms - ionising them. (Other Ionising
Radiation includes UV light and X-rays. Both of these are members of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.)
The radiation from nuclear processes are not necessarily
members of the Electromagnetic Spectrum. Two forms are actually
"particles"- but come from the nucleus itself as the change occurs.
The three common natural types of radiation from nuclear
decay are;
α Radiation
(alpha) - a helium atom nucleus. This is a
"slow" moving particle, with a short range in air. Alpha
particles are extremely dangerous inside the body but not very dangerous
outside as they cannot penetrate the skin. The speed of αradiation is about 0.1
of the speed of light.
radiation has two elementary positive charges and the particle has considerable
Beta decay;
Fig Beta-minus (β-)
decay. The intermediate emission of a W-
boson is omitted
Fig The Feynman diagram for beta decay of a neutron into a proton, electron, and electron
antineutrino via an intermediate heavy W- boson
In nuclear
physics, beta decay is a
type of radioactive
decay in which a beta particle (an electron or a positron) is
emitted. In the case of electron emission, it is referred to as "beta
minus" (β−), while in the case of a positron
emission as "beta plus" (β+). Kinetic
energy of beta particles has continuous spectrum ranging from 0 to maximal
available energy Q, which depends on parent and daughter nuclear states
participating in the decay. Typical Q is of order of 1 MeV, but it can be from
few keV to few tens MeV. The most energetic beta particles are ultrarelativistic,
with speeds very close to the light speed.
In β− decay, the weak
interaction converts a neutron (n0) into a proton (p+)
while emitting an electron (e−) and an anti-neutrino
.At the fundamental level (as depicted in the Feynman
diagram below), this is due to the conversion of a down quark
to an up quark
by emission of a W-
boson; the W- boson subsequently decays into an electron and an
In β+ decay, energy is used to convert a proton
into a neutron, a positron (e+ ) and a neutrino (νe):
So, unlike beta minus decay, beta plus
decay cannot occur in isolation, because it requires energy, the mass of the neutron
being greater than the mass of the proton. Beta plus decay can only happen
inside nuclei when the absolute value of the binding
energy of the daughter nucleus is higher than that of the mother nucleus.
The difference between these energies goes into the reaction of converting a
proton into a neutron, a positron and a neutrino and into the kinetic energy of
these particles.
In all the cases where β+
decay is allowed energetically (and the proton is a part of a nucleus with
electron shells), it is accompanied by the electron
capture process, when an atomic electron is captured by a nucleus with the
emission of a neutrino:
.But if the energy difference between
initial and final states is low (less than 2mec2), then β+
decay is not energetically possible, and electron
capture is the sole decay mode.
If the proton and neutron are part of an atomic
nucleus, these decay processes transmute one chemical element into another.
Beta decay does not change the number of nucleons A in the
nucleus but changes only its charge
Z. Thus the set of all nuclides with the same A can be introduced; these isobaric nuclides
may turn into each other via beta decay. Among them, several nuclides (at least
one) are beta stable, because they present local minima of the mass excess:
if such a nucleus has (A, Z) numbers, the neighbour nuclei (A, Z−1) and (A,
Z+1) have higher mass excess and can beta decay into (A, Z), but not vice
versa. It should be noted, that a beta-stable nucleus may undergo other kinds of
radioactive decay (alpha decay, for example). In nature, most isotopes are
beta stable, but a few exceptions exist with half-lives
so long that they have not had enough time to decay since the moment of their nucleosynthesis.
One example is 40K, which undergoes all three types of beta
decay (beta minus, beta plus and electron capture) with half life of 1.277×109
Some nuclei can undergo double
beta decay (ββ decay) where the charge of the nucleus changes by two units.
In most practically interesting cases, single beta decay is energetically
forbidden for such nuclei, because when β and ββ decays are both allowed, the
probability of β decay is (usually) much higher, preventing investigations of
very rare ββ decays. Thus, ββ decay is usually studied only for beta stable
nuclei. Like single beta decay, double beta decay does not change A; thus, at
least one of the nuclides with some given A has to be stable with regard to
both single and double beta decay.
Beta decay can be considered as a perturbation as
described in quantum mechanics, and thus follows Fermi's Golden Rule.
Kurie plot
A Kurie
plot (also known as a Fermi-Kurie
plot) is a graph used in studying beta decay, in which the square root
of the number of beta particles whose momentum (or energy) lie within a certain
narrow range, divided by a function worked out by Fermi, is plotted against
beta-particle energy; it is a straight line for allowed transitions and some
forbidden transitions, in accord with the Fermi beta-decay theory.
Historically, the study of beta decay
provided the first physical evidence of the neutrino. In
1911 Lise
Meitner and Otto Hahn performed an experiment that showed that the
energies of electrons emitted by beta decay had a continuous rather than
discrete spectrum. This was in apparent contradiction to the law of conservation of energy, as it
appeared that energy was lost in the beta decay process. A second problem was
that the spin of the Nitrogen-14 atom was 1, in contradiction to the Rutherford
prediction of ½.
In 1920-1927, Charles Drummond Ellis (along with James
Chadwick and colleagues) established clearly that the beta decay spectrum
is really continuous, ending all controversies.
In a famous letter written in 1930 Wolfgang
Pauli suggested that in addition to electrons and protons atoms also
contained an extremely light neutral particle which he called the neutron. He
suggested that this "neutron" was also emitted during beta decay and
had simply not yet been observed. In 1931 Enrico
Fermi renamed Pauli's "neutron" to neutrino, and
in 1934 Fermi published a very successful model of beta decay in which neutrinos were
Where X and Y represent the parent and daughter nuclei
respectively, (A= mass number, Z= atomic number, N= number of neutrons).
Gamma (γ) radiation
This is a very energetic form of
electromagnetic radiation. Compared to light , each bit (photon) has 1 million
times as much energy ( or 1 thousand times more energy than an X-ray photon).
travel at the speed of light. They happily travel through centimetres of lead
and travel easily through air. They are a danger to the human body even when
not ingested due to this penetrative ability.
radiation has no charge associated with it.
Nuclear decays and reactions produce other forms of radiation
as well. Some are from artificial elements, some are products of splitting
Neutrinos, antineutrinos, weird neutral particles which are
emitted with electrons in beta decay. They can be ignored for the purpose of
this course.
β+ ; an antielectron or positron It has all the same
characteristics of a normal electron except for having the same charge as the
proton and the disconcerting habit, if it meets an ordinary electron, of
turning itself and the electron into gamma rays! (All "antimatter"
will do this on meeting the matter counterpart!)
n; a neutron,- emitted as a side product of nuclear
fission. Solo neutrons have a half life of about 10 minutes. They easily pass
through steel plating and large doses finally have deadly consequences. Neutron
bombs are fission bombs with less blast but more leaky neutrons. They therefore
do less damage to factories but kill very satisfactorily.
All radiation can be absorbed to "negligible"
levels by sufficient material and, of course, the further one is from the
source, the smaller the received dosage. (Recall that radiation means
spreading out from a centre. The further from that centre you are the
more the radiation energy has spread out.)
Because of the energy of the radiation, radioactive sources
can fog photographic film. This technique is used to crudely monitor
dosage for people who work with the materials
2.3 Electron
capture (sometimes called Inverse
Beta Decay) is a decay mode for isotopes that
will occur when there are too many protons in the nucleus
of an atom and
insufficient energy to emit a positron; however, it continues to be a viable decay mode
for radioactive
isotopes that can decay by positron
emission. If the energy difference between the parent atom and the daughter
atom is less than 1.022 MeV,
positron emission is forbidden and electron capture is the sole decay mode. For
example, Rubidium-83
will decay to Krypton-83
solely by electron capture (the energy difference is about 0.9 MeV).
In this case, one of the orbital electrons,
usually from the K or L electron shell (K-electron capture, also K-capture,
or L-electron capture, L-capture), is captured by a proton in
the nucleus, forming a neutron and a neutrino. Since the proton is changed to a neutron, the
number of neutrons increases by 1, the number of protons decreases by 1, and
the atomic
mass number remains unchanged. By changing the number of protons, electron
capture transforms the nuclide into a new element.
The atom moves into an excited state with the inner shell missing an
electron. When transiting to the ground state, the atom will emit an X-ray photon (a
type of electromagnetic radiation) and/or Auger
(Please note that it is one of the initial atom's own electrons that is captured, not a new, incoming electron as might be suggested by the way the above reactions are written.)
isotopes which decay by pure electron capture can, in theory, be inhibited from
radioactive decay if they are fully ionized ("stripped" is sometimes used to describe such
ions). It is hypothesized that such elements, if formed by the r-process in
exploding supernovae,
are ejected fully ionized and so do not undergo radioactive decay as long as
they do not encounter electrons in outer space. Anomalies in elemental
distributions are thought to be partly a result of this effect on electron
bonds can also affect the rate of electron capture to a small degree
(generally less than 1%) depending on the proximity of electrons to the
Around the elements in the middle of the
periodic table, isotopes that are lighter than stable isotopes of the same
element tend to decay through electron capture, while isotopes heavier than the
stable ones decay by (negative) beta decay. A good example of this
effect would be silver, as its light isotopes use electron capture and the
heavier ones decay by negative beta emission.
Common Examples
Some common radioisotopes that decay by
electron capture include:
53.28 d
35.0 d
1.03E5 a
52 a
337 d
27.7 d
3.7E6 a
271.8 d
6.10 d
3.260 d
270.8 d
8.5 d
2.4 Double electron capture
electron capture is a decay mode of atomic
nucleus. For a nuclide (A, Z) with number of nucleons A and atomic
number Z, double electron capture is only possible if the mass of the
nuclide of (A, Z-2) is lower.
In this mode of decay, two of the orbital
are captured by two protons
in the nucleus, forming two neutrons. Two neutrinos are emitted in the process. Since the protons are
changed to neutrons, the number of neutrons increases by 2, the number of
protons Z decreases by 2, and the atomic mass
A remains unchanged. By changing the number of protons, double electron capture
transforms the nuclide
into a new element.
In most of cases this decay mode is
masked by more probable modes (single electron capture etc.), but when all
these modes are forbidden or strongly suppressed, double electron capture
becomes the main mode of decay. There exist 35 naturally occurring isotopes
that can undergo double electron capture. However, there are no confirmed
observations of this process. The one reason is that the probability of double
electron capture is enormously small (the theoretical predictions of half-lives
for this mode lies well above 1020 years). The second reason is that
the only detectable particles created in this process are X-rays and Auger
electrons that are emitted by the excited atomic shell. In the range of
their energies (~1-10 keV),
the background is usually high. Thus, the experimental detection of double
electron capture is more difficult than that for double
beta decay.
If the mass difference between the mother
and daughter atoms is more than two masses of electron (1.022 MeV), the energy released
in the process is enough to allow another mode of decay: electron
capture with positron emission. It occurs simultaneously with double
electron capture, their branching ratio depending on nuclear properties.
When the mass difference is more than four electron masses (2.044 MeV), the
third mode - double positron decay - is allowed. Only 6 naturally occurring
nuclides can decay via these three modes simultaneously.
Neutrinoless double electron capture
The above described process with capture
of two electrons and emission of two neutrinos (two-neutrino double electron
capture) is allowed by the Standard Model of particle
physics: no conservation laws (including lepton
number conservation) are violated. However, if the lepton number is not
conserved, another kind of the process can occur: the so-called neutrinoless
double electron capture. In this case, two electrons are captured by nucleus,
but neutrinos are not emitted. The energy released in this process is carried
away by an internal bremsstrahlung gamma quantum.
This mode of decay has never been observed experimentally, and would contradict
the Standard
Model if it were observed.
2.5 Modes of decay
Radionuclides can undergo a number of
different reactions. These are summarized in the following table. A nucleus
with mass
number A and atomic number Z is represented as (A, Z). The column
"Daughter nucleus" indicates the difference between the new nucleus
and the original nucleus. Thus, (A–1, Z) means that the mass number is one less
than before, but the atomic number is the same as before.
Mode of decay
Participating particles
Daughter nucleus
Decays with emission of
An alpha particle (A=4, Z=2) emitted from nucleus
(A–4, Z–2)
Proton emission
A proton ejected from nucleus
(A–1, Z–1)
Neutron emission
A neutron ejected from nucleus
(A–1, Z)
Double proton emission
Two protons ejected from nucleus simultaneously
(A–2, Z–2)
Spontaneous fission
Nucleus disintegrates into two or more smaller nuclei and other
Cluster decay
Nucleus emits a specific type of smaller nucleus (A1, Z1)
smaller than, or larger than, an alpha particle
(A–A1, Z–Z1) + (A1,Z1)
Different modes of beta decay:
Beta-Negative decay
A nucleus emits an electron and an antineutrino
(A, Z+1)
Positron emission, also Beta-Positive decay
A nucleus emits a positron and a neutrino
(A, Z–1)
Electron capture
A nucleus captures an orbiting electron and emits a neutrino - The
daughter nucleus is left in an excited and unstable state
(A, Z–1)
Double beta decay
A nucleus emits two electrons and two antineutrinos
(A, Z+2)
Double electron capture
A nucleus absorbs two orbital electrons and emits two neutrinos - The
daughter nucleus is left in an excited and unstable state
(A, Z–2)
capture with positron emission
A nucleus absorbs one orbital electron, emits one positron and two neutrinos
(A, Z–2)
Double positron emission
A nucleus emits two positrons and two neutrinos
(A, Z–2)
Transitions between states of
the same nucleus:
Excited nucleus releases a high-energy photon (gamma ray)
(A, Z)
Internal conversion
Excited nucleus transfers energy to an orbital electron and it is
ejected from the atom
(A, Z)
Radioactive decay results in a reduction of summed rest mass, which is converted to energy (the disintegration
energy) according to the formula E = mc2.
This energy is released as kinetic energy of the emitted particles. The energy
remains associated with a measure of mass of the decay system invariant
mass, inasmuch the kinetic energy of emitted particles contributes also to
the total invariant mass of systems. Thus, the sum of rest
masses of particles is not conserved in decay, but the system mass or system invariant
mass (as also system total energy) is conserved.
Decay chains and multiple modes
The daughter nuclide of a decay event may
also be unstable (radioactive). In this case, it will also decay, producing
radiation. The resulting second daughter nuclide may also be radioactive. This
can lead to a sequence of several decay events. Eventually a stable nuclide is
produced. This is called a decay chain.
An example is the natural decay chain
of Uranium-238
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
4.5 billion years to Thorium-234, which decays, through beta-emission, with a half-life of
24 days to Protactinium-234, which decays, through beta-emission,
with a half-life
of 1.2 minutes to Uranium-234,
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
240 thousand years to Thorium-230, which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
77 thousand years to Radium-226, which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
1.6 thousand years to Radon-222,
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
3.8 days to Polonium-218,
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
3.1 minutes to Lead-214,
which decays, through beta-emission, with a half-life of
27 minutes to Bismuth-214,
which decays, through beta-emission, with a half-life of
20 minutes to Polonium-214,
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
160 microseconds to Lead-210,
which decays, through beta-emission, with a half-life of
22 years to Bismuth-210,
which decays, through beta-emission, with a half-life of
5 days to Polonium-210,
which decays, through alpha-emission, with a half-life of
140 days to Lead-206,
which is a stable nuclide.
Some radionuclides may have several different paths of
decay. For example, approximately 36% of Bismuth-212,
decays, through alpha-emission, to Thallium-208
while approximately 64% of Bismuth-212 decays, through beta-emission, to Polonium-212.
Both the Thallium-208
and the Polonium-212
are radioactive daughter products of Bismuth-212 and
decay directly to stable Lead-208.
2.6 Occurrence and
According to the Big
Bang theory, radioactive isotopes of the lightest elements (H, He, and traces of Li) were produced
very shortly after the emergence of the universe. However, these nuclides are
so highly unstable that virtually none of them have survived to today. Most
radioactive nuclei are therefore relatively young, having formed in stars (particularly supernovae)
and during ongoing interactions between stable isotopes and energetic
particles. For example, carbon-14, a radioactive nuclide with a half-life of only
5730 years, is constantly produced in Earth's upper atmosphere due to interactions
between cosmic rays and nitrogen.
Radioactive decay has been put to use in
the technique of radioisotopic labeling, used to track the
passage of a chemical substance through a complex system (such as a living organism). A
sample of the substance is synthesized with a high concentration of unstable
atoms. The presence of the substance in one or another part of the system is
determined by detecting the locations of decay events.
On the premise that radioactive decay is
truly random
(rather than merely chaotic), it has been used in hardware random-number generators.
Because the process is not thought to vary significantly in mechanism over
time, it is also a valuable tool in estimating the absolute ages of certain
materials. For geological materials, the radioisotopes and some of their decay
products become trapped when a rock solidifies, and can then later be used
(subject to many well-known qualifications) to estimate the date of the
solidification. These include checking the results of several simultaneous
processes and their products against each other, within the same sample. In a
similar fashion, and also subject to qualification, the rate of formation of
carbon-14 in various eras, the date of formation of organic matter within a
certain period related to the isotope's half-live may be estimated, because the
carbon-14 becomes trapped when the organic matter grows and incorporates the
new carbon-14 from the air. Thereafter, the amount of carbon-14 in organic
matter decreases according to decay processes which may also be independently
cross-checked by other means (such as checking the carbon-14 in individual tree
rings, for example).
decay rates
The decay rate,
or activity, of a radioactive
substance are characterized by:
Constant quantities:
half life — symbol t1 /
2 — the time for half of a substance to decay.
mean lifetime — symbol τ
— the average lifetime of any given particle.
decay constant — symbol λ
— the inverse of the mean lifetime.
(Note that although these are constants, they are associated with
statistically random behavior of substances, and predictions using these constants
are less accurate for small number of atoms.)
2.7 How to
Change Nuclear Decay Rates
"I've had this idea for making radioactive nuclei decay
faster/slower than they normally do. You do [this, that, and the other
thing]. Will this work?"
Short Answer: Possibly, but probably not usefully.
Long Answer:
"One of the paradigms of nuclear science since the
very early days of its study has been the general understanding that the
half-life, or decay constant, of a radioactive substance is independent of extra
nuclear considerations." (Emery, cited below.) Like all paradigms, this
one is subject to some interpretation. Normal decay of radioactive stuff
proceeds via one of four mechanisms:
1. Emission
of an alpha particle -- a helium-4 nucleus -- reducing the number of protons
and neutrons present in the parent nucleus by two each
2. "Beta
decay," encompassing several related phenomena in which a neutron in the
nucleus turns into a proton, or a proton turns into a neutron -- along with
some other things including emission of a neutrino. The "other
things", as we shall see, are at the bottom of several questions involving
perturbation of decay rates
3. Emission
of one or more gamma rays -- energetic photons -- that take a nucleus from an
excited state to some other (typically ground) state; some of these photons may
be replaced by "conversion electrons," of which more shortly
4. Spontaneous
fission, in which a sufficiently heavy nucleus simply breaks in half.
Most of the discussion about alpha particles will also apply to spontaneous
Gamma emission often occurs from the daughter of one of
the other decay modes. We neglect very
exotic processes like C-14 emission or double beta decay in this analysis.
"Beta decay" refers most often to a nucleus with
a neutron excess, which decays by converting a neutron into a proton:
n ----> p + e- + anti-nu(e),
Where n means neutron, p means proton, e- means electron,
and anti-nu(e) means an antineutrino of the electron type. The type of
beta decay that involves destruction of a proton is not familiar to many
people, so deserves a little elaboration. Either of two processes may
occur when this kind of decay happens:
p ----> n + e+ + nu(e),
Where e+ means positron and nu(e) means electron neutrino; or
p + e- ----> n + nu(e),
Where e-means a negatively charged electron, which is captured from the
neighborhood of the nucleus undergoing decay. These processes are called
"positron emission" and "electron capture,"
respectively. A given nucleus that has too many protons for stability may
undergo beta decay through either, and typically both, of these reactions.
"Conversion electrons" are
produced by the process of "internal conversion," whereby the photon
that would normally be emitted in gamma decay is virtual and its energy is absorbed by an atomic
electron. The absorbed energy is sufficient to unbind the electron from
the nucleus (ignoring a few exceptional cases), and it is ejected from the atom
as a result.
Now for the tie-in to decay rates.
Both the electron-capture and internal conversion phenomena require an electron
somewhere close to the decaying nucleus. In any normal atom, this
requirement is satisfied in spades: the innermost electrons are in states such
that their probability of being close to the nucleus is both large and
insensitive to things in the environment. The decay rate depends on the
electronic wavefunctions, i.e, how much of their time the inner electrons spend
very near the nucleus -- but only very weakly. For most nuclides that
decay by electron capture or internal conversion, most of the time, the
probability of grabbing or converting an electron is also insensitive to the
environment, as the innermost electrons are the ones most likely to get
However, there are exceptions, the most
notable being the the astrophysically important isotope beryllium-7. Be-7
decays purely by electron capture (positron emission being impossible because
of inadequate decay energy) with a half-life of somewhat over 50 days. It
has been shown that differences in chemical environment result in half-life
variations of the order of 0.2%, and high pressures produce somewhat similar
changes. Also, a recent
paper measures a 0.8% reduction in half-life for Be-7 atoms enclosed within
C60 cages. Other cases where known changes in decay rate occur are Zr-89
and Sr-85, also electron capturers; Tc-99m ("m" implying an excited
state), which decays by both beta and gamma emission; and various other
"metastable" things that decay by gamma emission with internal
conversion. With all of these other cases the magnitude of the effect is
less than is typically the case with Be-7.
What makes these cases special? The
answer is that one or more of the usual starting assumptions -- insensitivity
of electron wave function near the nucleus to external forces, or availability
of the innermost electrons for capture/conversion -- are not completely
valid. Atomic beryllium only has 4 electrons to begin with, so that the
"innermost electrons" are also practically the outermost ones and therefore much more
sensitive to chemical effects than usual. With most of the other cases,
there is so little energy available from the decay (as little as a few electron
volts; compare most radioactive decays, where hundreds or thousands of kilovolts are released), courtesy of
accidents of nuclear structure, that the innermost electrons can't undergo
internal conversion. Remember that converting an electron requires
dumping enough energy into it to expel it from the atom (more or less);
"enough energy," in context, is typically some tens of keV, so they
don't get converted at all in these cases. Conversion therefore works
only on some of the outer electrons, which again are more sensitive to the
A real anomaly is the beta emitter
Re-187. Its decay energy is only about 2.6 keV, practically nothing by
nuclear standards. "That this decay occurs at all is an example of
the effects of the atomic environment on nuclear decay: the bare nucleus Re-187
[i.e., stripped of all orbital electrons] is stable against beta decay [but not
to bound state beta decay, in which the outgoing electron is captured by the daughter
nucleus into a tightly bound orbital] and it is the difference of 15 keV in the
total electronic binding energy of osmium [to which it decays] and rhenium. . .
which makes the decay possible" (Emery). The practical significance
of this little peculiarity, of course, is low, as Re-187 already has a half
life of over 1010 years.
Alpha decay and spontaneous fission might
also be affected by changes in the electron density near the nucleus, for a
different reason. These processes occur as a result of penetration of the
"Coulomb barrier" that inhibits emission of charged particles from
the nucleus, and their rate is very
sensitive to the height of the barrier. Changes in the electron density
could, in principle, affect the barrier by some tiny amount. However, the
magnitude of the effect is very
small, according to theoretical calculations; for a few alpha emitters, the
change has been estimated to be of the order of 1 part in 107 (!) or
less, which would be unmeasurable in view of the fact that the alpha emitters'
half lives aren't known to that degree of accuracy to begin with.
All told, the existence of changes in
radioactive decay rates due to the environment of the decaying nuclei is on
solid grounds both experimentally and theoretically. But the magnitude of
the changes is nothing to get very excited about.
2.8 Half-life
The half-life
of a quantity whose value decreases with time is the interval required for the
quantity to decay to half of its initial value. The concept originated in the
study of radioactive decay which is subject to exponential
decay but applies to all phenomena including those which are described by
non-exponential decays.
The term half-life was coined in 1907,
but it was always referred to as half-life period. It was not until the early
1950s that the word period was dropped from the name.
Number of
half-lives elapsed |
remaining |
power of 2 |
As %
1 / 2n
1 / 2n
100(1 / 2n)
The table at right shows the reduction of the quantity in
terms of the number of half-lives elapsed. It can be shown that, for
exponential decay, the half-life t1 / 2
obeys this relation:
ln(2) is the natural
logarithm of 2 (approximately 0.693), and
is the decay constant, a positive constant used to
describe the rate of exponential decay.
The half-life is related to the mean lifetime
τ by the following relation:
Constant λ can represent many
different specific physical quantities, depending on what process is being
1. In
an RC
circuit or RL circuit, λ is the
reciprocal of the circuit's time constant. For simple RC and RL circuits, λ equals 1 / RC or R / L, respectively.
2. In
first-order chemical reactions, λ
is the reaction rate constant.
3. In
radioactive decay, it describes the probability
of decay per unit time: dN = λNdt, where dN is the
number of nuclei decayed during the time dt, and N is the
quantity of radioactive nuclei.
4. In
(specifically pharmacokinetics), from MeSH: Half-Life: The
time it takes for a substance (drug, radioactive nuclide, or other) to lose
half of its pharmacologic, physiologic, or radiologic activity. Year
introduced: 1974 (1971).
Decay by two or more processes
Some quantities decay by two processes simultaneously (see
Decay by two or more processes). In a fashion similar
to the previous section, we can calculate the new total half-life T1 / 2 and we'll find it to be:
or, in terms of the two half-lives t1
and t2
i.e., half their harmonic
Simple Formula
m(t) mass left depending on time:
m(0)= initial mass
t = time passed
t1 / 2 = half-life
of the object.
Quantities that are subject to
exponential decay are commonly denoted by the symbol N.
(This convention suggests a decaying number of discrete items. This
interpretation is valid in many, but not all, cases of exponential decay.) If
the quantity is denoted by the symbol N, the value
of N at a time t is given
by the formula:
where No is the
initial value of N (at t = 0).
When t = 0, the exponential is
equal to 1, and N(t) is equal to N0. As t approaches infinity, the
exponential approaches zero. In particular, there is a time such that
Substituting into the formula above, we have
Experimental determination
The half-life of a process can be
determined easily by experiment. In fact, some methods do not require advance
knowledge of the law governing the decay rate, be it exponential decay or
another pattern.
Most appropriate to validate the concept
of half-life for radioactive decay, in particular when dealing
with a small number of atoms, is to perform experiments and correct computer
simulations. Validation of physics-math models consists in comparing the
model's behavior with experimental observations of real physical systems or
valid simulations (physical and/or computer). The references given here
describe how to test the validity of the exponential formula for small number
of atoms with simple simulations, experiments, and computer code.
In radioactive decay, the exponential
model does not apply for a small
number of atoms (or a small number of atoms is not within the domain of
validity of the formula or equation or table). The DIY experiments use pennies
or M&M's candies. A similar experiment is performed with isotopes of a very
short half-life. Of particular note, atoms undergo radioactive decay in whole
units, and so after enough half-lives the remaining original quantity becomes
an actual zero rather than asymptotically approaching zero as with continuous systems.
The decay rate, or activity, of a radioactive substance are
characterized by:
Constant quantities:
half life — symbol t1 / 2 — the time
for half of a substance to decay.
mean lifetime
— symbol τ — the average lifetime of any given particle.
constant — symbol λ — the inverse of the mean lifetime.
(Note that although these are constants, they are
associated with statistically random behavior of substances, and predictions
using these constants are less accurate for small number of atoms.)
Time-variable quantities:
- Total activity — symbol A — number of
decays an object undergoes per second.
- Number of particles — symbol N — the
total number of particles in the sample.
- Specific activity — symbol SA
— number of decays per second per amount of substance. (The "amount
of substance" can be the unit of either mass or volume.)
where is the initial
amount of active substance — substance that has the same percentage of unstable
particles as when the substance was formed.
The units in which activities are measured are: becquerel
(symbol Bq) = number of disintegrations per second; curie (Ci) =
3.7 × 1010 disintegrations per second. Low activities are
also measured in disintegrations per minute (dpm).
As discussed above, the decay of an unstable nucleus is entirely random
and it is impossible to predict when a particular atom will decay. However, it
is equally likely to decay at any time. Therefore, given a sample of a
particular radioisotope, the number of decay events –dN expected to occur in a
small interval of time dt is proportional to the number of atoms present. If N
is the number of atoms, then the probability of decay (– dN/N) is proportional
to dt:
Particular radionuclides decay at different rates, each having its own
decay constant (λ).
The negative sign indicates that N decreases with each decay event. The
solution to this first-order differential equation is the following function:
This function represents exponential
decay. It is only an approximate solution, for two reasons. Firstly,
the exponential function is continuous, but the physical quantity N can
only take non-negative integer values. Secondly,
because it describes a random process, it is only statistically true. However,
in most common cases, N is a very large number and the function is a good
In addition to the decay constant, radioactive decay is sometimes
characterized by the mean lifetime. Each atom "lives" for
a finite amount of time before it decays, and the mean lifetime is the arithmetic
mean of all the atoms' lifetimes. It is represented by the symbol τ,
and is related to the decay constant as follows:
A more commonly used parameter is the half-life.
Given a sample of a particular radionuclide, the half-life is the time taken
for half the radionuclide's atoms to decay. The half life is related to the
decay constant as follows:
This relationship between the half-life and the decay
constant shows that highly radioactive substances are quickly spent, while
those that radiate weakly endure longer. Half-lives of known radionuclides vary
widely, from more than 1019 years (such as for very nearly
stable nuclides, e.g. 209Bi), to 10-23 seconds for highly
unstable ones.
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