chapter 3 Radioactive tracers
How Can You
Detect Radiation?
Radiation cannot
be detected by human senses. A variety of handheld and laboratory instruments
is available for detecting and measuring radiation. The most common handheld or
portable instruments are:
1.1 Geiger Counter, with Geiger-Mueller
(GM) Tube or Probe
A GM tube is a gas-filled device that, when a high voltage is applied,
creates an electrical pulse when radiation interacts with the wall or gas in
the tube. These pulses are converted to a reading on the instrument meter. If
the instrument has a speaker, the pulses also give an audible click. Common
readout units are roentgens per hour (R/hr), milliroentgens per hour (mR/hr),
rem per hour (rem/hr), millirem per hour (mrem/hr), and counts per minute
(cpm). GM probes (e.g., "pancake" type) are most often used with
handheld radiation survey instruments for contamination measurements. However,
energy-compensated GM tubes may be employed for exposure measurements. Further,
often the meters used with a GM probe will also accommodate other
radiation-detection probes. For example, a zinc sulfide (ZnS) scintillator
probe, which is sensitive to just alpha radiation, is often used for field
measurements where alpha-emitting radioactive materials need to be measured.
On this page, I
discuss some of the experiments I've performed with the GM-10 and GM-45 geiger counter
radiation detectors Click on the link for more information about these
nuclear radiation detectors, and some of the interesting results I've found.
Types of Nuclear
There are three
types of nuclear radiation which may be detected with a geiger counter:
- Alpha Particles: Helium nuclei, generally
emitted from heavy elements such as uranium and thorium. Alpha particles
only travel a few inches in the air, and can be stopped by a piece of
paper. Special geiger tubes with a mica window are necessary to detect
them, as other windows will stop alpha particles.
- Beta Rays: Electrons moving at extremely high
(often relativistic) speeds. They are more penatrating than alpha
particles. They can pass through light elements, such as paper and
aluminum (but only small thicknesses).
- Gamma Rays: Electromagnetic waves, similar to light, but at a much higher energy. Much more penetrating than alpha or beta radiations. High energy gamma rays can pass through several inches of metal. Note that X-Rays and Gamma Rays are really the same thing, the term X-Ray is used when the radiation is produced by electrons striking a material, such as in an X-Ray tube.
a particle enters the tube, the gas is ionized, and can conduct current from
the 500V DC supply. The 10M resistor limits the current to a safe level. A
quenching gas (typically a halogen) stops the flow of current a few
microseconds later. Thus, a pulse of current flows. This pulse is passed by the
capacitor, which blocks the 500V DC. The output pulse can then go to an
amplifier if necessary, and then some sort of counter.
the counts are summed over a one minute period, and therefore the common unit
is Counts Per Minute (CPM). The number of CPM depends on the size and
efficiency of the GM Tube. A larger tube naturally will detect more particles.
built a circuit which powers the GM tube strictly from the serial port
handshake lines - no other power supply is necessary. The circuit then
conditions the detected pulse and sends it back to the computer, where software
can tally the number of pulses detected over a time period, typically CPM -
Counts Per Minute.
detector is now available as the GM-10, check out the
Sources of Radiation:
are many Sources
of Natural Radiation, radiation is all around us, naturally. Radon gas exists in
most parts of the US, in varying levels depending upon where you live. Radon is
produced from naturally occuring Uranium-238 in the soil. Radon is a problem in
some areas today because homes are much more air-tight than they used to be.
The radon gas enters the house through the basement. Thorium-232 also exists in
the soil. Uranium and Thorium decay into numerous other radioactive isotopes
before finally decaying into a stable element such as lead. And all this occurs
naturally. In fact, the decay of uranium and thorium is the principle source of
energy the heats the center of the Earth. Radiation existed long before Man,
even though some would have you believe otherwise.
US Geological Survey has a Radon . It
contains a great deal of useful information, maps of radon levels in the US,
and links to other sites.
that even though most of the heavy elements are alpha emitters, they can still
be dangerous, if they get inside your body. Your skin stops alpha particles if
the source is outside your body, but your internal organs and tissues have no
such protection. Radioactive dust can be hazardous. Radioactive dust? Read
High Altitude
Radiation from Airplane Flights
When you fly in
an airplane, you're up above much of the Earth's atmosphere. It's the air that
protects us from a lot of radiation due to cosmic rays coming from outer space.
I took a transcontinental flight, and of course a GM-10 Radiation
Detector came along for the ride!
graph below shows the background radiation levels on the ground, as well as
when we were at our crusing altitude (around 35,000 feet). Note the huge
difference in radiation levels! The CPM (Counts Per Minute) went from about 12
on the ground to 360 in flight, or 30 times the level!
Radioactive Dust
you know that the dust that's in the air and settling all over your house (and
computer monitor) is radioactive? It's true, it contains radioactive decay
products from naturally occuring Uranium and Thorium.
an experiment, I wiped some dust from the TV screen onto a tissue, and placed
it in front of the radiation detector. The reading went from a background
reading around 10 CPM to around 1300 CPM, or 130 times the reading!
graph shows the radiation (in Counts Per Minute, CPM) over time, as the
daughter products decay. In addition to plotting the raw data, I've also
estimated the initial amounts of Radium B (Pb214), Radium C (Bi214)
and Pb212:
Radium B and Radium C are decay products of Radon. The Radon
is produced by Uranium that naturally occurs in the soil, after a rather long
decay process. Radon has a half life of just under 4 days. In addition to being
produced by local sources, Radon (and it's daughter products) can be blown in
by the winds from distant locations. So just because you don't have a radon
problem in your basement doesn't mean that you won't find radioactive dust in
your house!
The Radon decays into Polonium, which them decays into Radium
B, an isotope of Lead. This decays with a half life of about 27 minutes in
Radium C, an isotope Bismuth. This decays with a half life of about 20 minutes
into another Polonium isotope, which quickly (164 microseconds) decays into an
isotope of Lead. The Lead decays with a very long half life of 22 years, so we
don't get much radiation from it, or any further products.
The two Radium isotopes both undergo beta decay, and it is
their radiation we detect in this experiment. Notice that we initially start
with much more Radium B than Radium C. The Radium B decays, producing more
Radium C, initially at a rate faster than the Radium C is decaying. So The
amount of Radium C starts to increase. Eventually, there is not enough Radium B
decaying into Radium C, and the amount of Radium C starts to drop.
the process:
- Radon (Rn222) does an alpha decay into
Polonium (Po218) with a half life of 3.824 days.
- Polonium (Po218) does an alpha decay into
Lead (Pb214) with a half life of 3.05 minutes.
- Lead (Pb214) does a beta decay into
Bismuth (Bi214) with a half life of 26.8 minutes.
- Bismuth (Bi214) does a beta decay into
Polonium (Po214) with a half life of 19.8 minutes
- Polonium (Po214) does an alpha decay into
Lead (Pb210) with a half life of 164 microseconds.
- Lead (Pb210) does a beta decay into
Bismuth (Bi210) with a half life of 22.3 years.
- Bismuth (Bi210) does a beta decay into
Polonium (Po210) with a half life of 5.01 days.
- Polonium (Po210) does an alpha decay into
Lead (Pb206) with a half life of 138.38 days.
- Lead (Pb206) is stable.
The black line at the bottom of the graph shows the amount of
Lead-212 present. This is a daughter product of Thoron, an isotope of Radon
which is produced by Thorium, rather than Uranium. Thoron has a very short half
life, about 1 minute. Lead-212 has a much longer half life, almost 11 hours.
A curie is a measure of the activity of radiation. It is
equal to 37 billion decays per second. The metric equivilent is the becquerel,
which is one decay per second. So a picocurie is 0.037 decays per second.
Currently the EPA considers 4 picocuries to be the safe limit. This would be
0.148 radon decays per second. Radon has a half life of about 3.83 days, this
equates to around 100 thousand radon atoms per liter of air. Again, radon
itself is not very dangerous, the risk comes from the radioactive daughter
products (dust) that can get inside your body.
The difference between the GM-10 and GM-45 (and our other
models) is the size of the radiation sensor. The sensor in the GM-45 geiger
counter has 24 times the surface area of that in the GM-10 making it more
sensitive, especially for alpha and beta radiation sources. That means that it
can detect weaker levels of radiation.
The typical background levels detected with the GM-10 are
around 10 CPM. This can be substantially higher in the basements of homes with
high radon levels, for example. A GM-10 on an airplane flight recorded a level
of over 400 CPM, due to the large amount of cosmic radiation always present at
high altitudes.
The GM-10 and GM-45 geiger counters connect to almost any
personal computer (either a PC running Windows or the Macintosh) through a
simple serial interface. The powerful software included with them allows you to
measure, record, and display radiation readings over any time period.
The GM-10 and GM-45 geiger counters are self powered off the
computer's serial port, no batteries or external power supply is required. This
makes them ideal for use in the field, or other locations. Just connect to a
laptop, and you're ready to go!
A USB version of the GM-10 is available as well. Now you can
use your GM-10 with a laptop or other computer with only a USB port available.
A USB version of the GM-45, with the larger detector window, is also available.
The GM-10 and GM-45 geiger counter may also be used as
radiation sensors and connected to other equipment, we'll be happy to provide
connection and operation information to those interested, as well as OEMs.
Users have sucessfully used the GM-10 with various microcontrollers. Interfacing details
are available. Please feel free to contact
us with any questions you may have.
GM-10 and GM-45 detect alpha, beta, and gamma and x-ray radiation. Full specifications are
The GM-10 and GM-45 geiger counter are perfect for
educational and industrial uses, the hobbyist or scientific experimenter, as
well as anyone interested in determining the radiation levels around them!
3.3 MicroR Meter, with Sodium Iodide Detector — A solid crystal of sodium
iodide creates a pulse of light when radiation interacts with it. This pulse of
light is converted to an electrical signal by a photomultiplier tube (PMT),
which gives a reading on the instrument meter. The pulse of light is
proportional to the amount of light and the energy deposited in the crystal.
These instruments most often have upper and lower energy discriminator circuits
and, when used correctly as single-channel analyzers, can provide information
on the gamma energy and identify the radioactive material. If the instrument
has a speaker, the pulses also give an audible click, a useful feature
when looking for a lost source. Common readout units are microroentgens per
hour (μR/hr) and/or counts per minute (cpm). Sodium iodide detectors can be
used with handheld instruments or large stationary radiation monitors. Special
plastic or other inert crystal "scintillator" materials are also used
in place of sodium iodide.
3.4 Portable
Multichannel Analyzer — A sodium iodide crystal and PMT described
above, coupled with a small multichannel analyzer (MCA) electronics package,
are becoming much more affordable and common. When gamma-ray data libraries and
automatic gamma-ray energy identification procedures are employed, these
handheld instruments can automatically identify and display the type of
radioactive materials present. When dealing with unknown sources of radiation,
this is a very useful feature.
3.5Ionization (Ion)
This is an air-filled chamber with an electrically conductive
inner wall and central anode and a relatively low applied voltage. When primary
ion pairs are formed in the air volume, from x-ray or gamma radiation interactions
in the chamber wall, the central anode collects the electrons and a small
current is generated. This in turn is measured by an electrometer circuit and
displayed digitally or on an analog meter. These instruments must be calibrated
properly to a traceable radiation source and are designed to provide an
accurate measure of absorbed dose to air which, through appropriate conversion
factors, can be related to dose to tissue. In that most ion chambers are
"open air," they must be corrected for change in temperature and
pressure. Common readout units are milliroentgens and roentgen per hour (mR/hr
or R/hr).
3.6 Neutron REM Meter, with
Proportional Counter
A boron trifluoride or helium-3 proportional counter
tube is a gas-filled device that, when a high voltage is applied, creates an
electrical pulse when a neutron radiation interacts with the gas in the tube.
The absorption of a neutron in the nucleus of boron-10 or helium-3 causes the
prompt emission of a helium-4 nucleus or proton respectively. These charged
particles can then cause ionization in the gas, which is collected as an
electrical pulse, similar to the GM tube. These neutron-measuring proportional
counters require large amounts of hydrogenous material around them to slow the
neutron to thermal energies. Other surrounding filters allow an appropriate
number of neutrons to be detected and thus provide a flat-energy response with
respect to dose equivalent. The design and characteristics of these devices are
such that the amount of secondary charge collected is proportional to the
degree of primary ions produced by the radiation. Thus, through the use of
electronic discriminator circuits, the different types of radiation can be
measured separately. For example, gamma radiation up to rather high levels is
easily rejected in neutron counters.
3.8 Radon
A number of different techniques are used for radon measurements in home
or occupational settings (e.g., uranium mines). These range from collection of
radon decay products on an air filter and counting, exposing a charcoal
canister for several days and performing gamma spectroscopy for absorbed decay
products, exposure of an electret ion chamber and read-out, and long-term
exposure of CR-39 plastic with subsequent chemical etching and alpha track
counting. All these approaches have different advantages and disadvantages
which should be evaluated prior to use.
The most common
laboratory instruments are:
Scintillation Counters
A liquid scintillation counter (LSC) is a traditional laboratory
instrument with two opposing PMTs that view a vial that contains a sample and
liquid scintillator fluid, or cocktail. When the sample emits a radiation
(often a low-energy beta) the cocktail itself, being the detector, causes a
pulse of light. If both PMTs detect the light in coincidence, the count is
tallied. With the use of shielding, cooling of PMTs, energy discrimination, and
this coincidence counting approach, very low background counts can be achieved,
and thus low minimum detectable activities (MDA). Most modern LSC units have
multiple sample capability and automatic data acquisition, reduction, and
A common laboratory instrument is the standard proportional counter with
sample counting tray and chamber and argon/methane flow through counting gas.
Most units employ a very thin (microgram/cm2) window, while some are
windowless. Shielding and identical guard chambers are used to reduce
background and, in conjunction with electronic discrimination, these
instruments can distinguish between alpha and beta radiation and achieve low
MDAs. Similar to the LSC units noted above, these proportional counters have
multiple sample capability and automatic data acquisition, reduction, and
storage. Such counters are often used to count smear/wipe or air filter
samples. Additionally, large-area gas flow proportional counters with thin
(milligram/cm2) mylar windows are used for counting the whole body
and extremities of workers for external contamination when exiting a
radiological control area.
Analyzer System
A laboratory MCA with a sodium iodide crystal and PMT (described above),
a solid-state germanium detector, or a silicon-type detector can provide a
powerful and useful capability for counting liquid or solid matrix samples or
other prepared extracted radioactive samples. Most systems are used for gamma
counting, while some silicon detectors are used for alpha radiation. These MCA
systems can also be utilized with well-shielded detectors to count internally
deposited radioactive material in organs or tissue for bioassay measurements.
In all cases, the MCA provides the capability to bin and tally counts by energy
and thus identify the emitter. Again, most systems have automatic data
acquisition, reduction, and storage capability.
3.9 Semiconductor
Radiation Detectors
Building upon Centronic’s extensive experience in the
design and manufacture of electro optic devices, our expertise has been
extended to detection of other types of radiation. This has focused initially
on detection of x-rays. X-ray detectors utilise silicon photodiode technology
but with the addition of a crystal or membrane of scintillator material that is
able to convert the higher energy x-rays into the visible spectrum, which can
be detected by a photodiode.
There are a variety of scintillator materials available today such as
Caesium Iodide (CsI), Cadmium Tungstate (CdWO4) crystals and Gadolinium Oxide
membranes. Any of the available photodiodes (single element or linear / matrix
arrays) in the 5T range (refer to electro optics product range) can be used as
a basis for x-ray detectors and if required, custom diodes can be designed to
suit a specific application.
Scintillators can
be provided in any of the available materials with the thickness tailored to
suit a particular energy range.
3.9 Radioactive
tracers are substances that contain a radioactive atom to allow easier
detection and measurement. (Radioactivity is the property possessed by some
elements of spontaneously emitting energy in the form of particles or waves by
disintegration of their atomic nuclei.) For example, it is possible to make a
molecule of water in which one of the two hydrogen atoms is a radioactive
tritium (hydrogen-3) atom. This molecule behaves in almost the same way as a
normal molecule of water. The main difference between the tracer molecule
containing tritium and the normal molecule is that the tracer molecule
continually gives off radiation that can be detected with a Geiger counter or
some other type of radiation detection instrument.
application for the tracer molecule described above would be to monitor plant
growth by watering plants with it. The plants would take up the water and use
it in leaves, roots, stems, flowers, and other parts in the same way it does
with normal water. In this case, however, it would be possible to find out how
fast the water moves into any one part of the plant. One would simply pass a
Geiger counter over the plant at regular intervals and see where the water has
use of radioactive tracers in cell research is an effective and safe means of
monitoring molecular interactions. There is simply no other technique which
allows the precision and specificity of radioactive tracers.
Radiation is to be taken seriously. At a minimum, its misuse
can lead to increased environmental pollution, and at worst can lead to serious
long term injury. It can be handled safely, however.
Radioactivity is caused by the spontaneous release of either
particulate and/or electromagnetic energy from the nucleus of an atom. Atoms
are composed of a positively charge nucleus, surrounded by the negatively
charged electrons. In an uncharged atom, the number of orbital electrons equals
the number of positively charged protons in the nucleus. In addition, the
nucleus contains uncharged neutrons. A proton has a mass of 1.0076 amu (Atomic
Mass Units), while a neutron has a mass of 1.0089 amu.
If the mass of a helium nucleus is examined, there is a
difference between the expected mass based on its proton and neutron
composition, and the actual measured mass. Helium contains two protons and two
neutrons in its nucleus, and should have a corresponding mass of 4.0330 amu. It
has an actual mass, however, of 5.0028 amu. The difference (0.0302 amu) is the
equivalent energy of 28.2 Mev and is known as the binding energy . It would
require 28.2 Mev to fuse two protons and two neutrons into a helium nucleus,
and the fission of the helium nucleus would yield the same energy.
In addition, the electrons orbit the nucleus with precise
energy levels. When the electrons are in their stable orbits, they are said to
be in their ground state. If the electrons absorb energy (e.g. from photons),
they jump to different, yet characteristic orbits and enter the excited state.
The energy difference between a ground state and an excited state can take the
form of an electromagnetic radiation.
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called the
atomic number, while the number of protons plus neutrons is the mass number.
The mass number is approximately equal to the atomic weight. In the
representation of an atom used in the periodic table of elements, the atomic
number is a subscript written to the left of the letter(s) designating the
element, while the mass number is written as a superscript to the left.
The chemical identity of an element is determined by the
number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. The number of neutrons may vary,
however. Elements sharing the same number of protons, but having different numbers
of neutrons are known as isotopes. Hydrogen, for example, has one proton. All
nuclei containing one proton are hydrogen nuclei. It may have one, two, or
three neutrons. The isotopes of hydrogen would be written as
(in all further references,
the atomic number subscript 1 is left off for clarity).
H is the most stable form
of hydrogen and is therefore the most abundant (99.985% of all forms).
H is also a stable form of
hydrogen, but less stable than
H, and constitutes about
0.015% of the total hydrogen found. It is known as deuterium.

that each of the three will chemically react as hydrogen. This is important for
tracer work in cell biology. The substitution of either deuterium or tritium
for hydrogen in a molecule will not effect any chemical or physiological
changes in the activity of the molecule. Tritium will, however, tag the
molecule by making it radioactive.
Radiation emissions have several forms. When an atom
reorganizes its sub-atomic structure to a more stable form, it may emit
neutrons, protons, electrons, and/or electromagnetic waves (energy). An alpha
particle is 2 protons plus 2 neutrons (essentially a helium nucleus). A beta
particle is an electron. Gamma rays are electromagnetic energy waves similar to
x-rays. The release of sub-atomic particles and energy, resulting in the change
of one element to another is known as radioactivity.
Radioactive elements thus, by their very nature, self
destruct. The loss of their sub-atomic particles is a spontaneous process, and
once it has occurred, the element is no longer radioactive. With time a
percentage of all radioactive elements in a solution will decay. Statistically,
it is nearly impossible to predict which individual element will radioactively
decay, but we can make a prediction about large numbers of the elements. That
is, we can say that if we wait 14,000 years, half of the radioactivity in a
sample of 
C (a radioactive isotope
C) will be lost (1/2
remains). We then say that 
C has a half- life of
14,000 years. After a second 14,000 years, half of the remaining half would
have been lost, or 3/4 of the original amount. Based on this information, could
you predict how long it would take for all radioactivity to have disappeared
from the sample?

With a half-life of 14,000 years, radioactive carbon will be
around for a very long time. This is why it is used for dating rocks and fossils.
If one makes some assumptions about the activity of the carbon when the fossil
was formed, and measures the current level, the age of the fossil may be
The amount of radioactive material is measured by how many
nuclei decay each second, and this value is known as the activity. It is
measured in curies Each radioisotope has three important properties; the type
of particles emitted, the particle energy, and the half-life. The energy and
kind of decay particle will determine the penetration of the radiation, and
therefore determine the degree of shielding necessary to protect the user. The
half-life determines both the remaining activity after storage or use, and the
time that the isotope must be stored before disposal.
cell biology, only a few of the many radioactive elements are used routinely.
The primary elements used are
H (Tritium), 
C (Carbon-14), 
P 20(Phosphorus-32), I 20(Iodine-125) and 

I 20(Iodine-137).

3.10 Applications
and research. Radioactive tracers have applications in medicine, industry,
agriculture, research, and many other fields of science and technology. For
example, a number of different oil companies may take turns using the same
pipeline to ship their products from the oil fields to their refineries. How do
companies A, B, and C all know when their oil is passing through the pipeline?
One way to solve that problem is to add a radioactive tracer to the oil. Each
company would be assigned a different tracer. A technician at the receiving end
of the pipeline can use a Geiger counter to make note of changes in radiation
observed in the incoming oil. Such a change would indicate that oil for a
different company was being received.
Another application of tracers might be in scientific
research on plant nutrition. Suppose that a scientist wants to find out how
plants use some nutrient such as phosphorus. The scientist could feed a group
of plants fertilizer that contains radioactive phosphorus. As the plant grows,
the location of the phosphorus could be detected by use of a Geiger counter.
Another way to trace the movement of the phosphorus would be to place a piece
of photographic film against the plant. Radiation from the phosphorus tracer
would expose the film, in effect taking its own picture of its role in plant
applications. Some of the most interesting and valuable applications of
radioactive tracers have been in the field of medicine. For example, when a
person ingests (takes into the body) the element iodine, that element goes
largely to the thyroid gland located at the base of the throat. There the
iodine is used in the production of various hormones (chemical messengers) that
control essential body functions such as the rate of metabolism (energy
production and use).
Suppose that a physician suspects that a person's thyroid
gland is not functioning properly. To investigate that possibility, the patient
can be given a glass of water containing sodium iodide (similar to sodium
chloride, or table salt). The iodine in the sodium iodide is radioactive. As
the patient's body takes up the sodium iodide, the path of the compound through
the body can be traced by means of a Geiger counter or some other detection
device. The physician can determine whether the rate and location of uptake is
normal or abnormal and, from that information, can diagnose any problems with
the patient's thyroid gland.
3.11 Mossbauer Spectroscopy
Mossbauer effect is the recoil-free emission of gamma radiation
from a solid radioactive material. Since the gamma emission is recoil-free, it
can be resonantly absorbed
by stationary atoms, i.e., also in a solid. The nuclear transitions are very
sensitive to the local environment of the atom and Mossbauer spectroscopy is a
sensitive probe of the different environments an atom occupies in a solid
Production of gamma rays for 57Fe
Mossbauer spectroscopy
90% of the 57Fe nuclear excited state decays through the
intermediate level to produce 14.4 keV gamma radiation. These gamma photons can
then be absorbed by 57Fe in a sample.
gamma ray source is a radioactive element that is mechanically vibrated back
and forth to Doppler shift the energy of the emitted gamma radiation. The
schematic below shows a transmission Mossbauer experiment. As the energy of the
gamma radiation is scanned by Doppler shifting, the detector records the
frequencies of gamma radiation that are absorbed by the sample.
Schematic of an experimental
set-up for transmission Mossbauer spectroscopy
Dosimetry in cases of radiation accidents
IONIZING radiation is an extremely potent agent in inducing
chromosomal aberrations in all types of cells both in vivo and in
vitro. The types of aberrations induced depend on the stage of the cell
cycle irradiated. Irradiation of cells in G0 and G1 stages will yield
chromosome type of aberrations (i.e. involving both the chromatids of a
chromosome) whereas in G2 cells chromatid type of aberrations are induced. The
frequencies of aberrations increase with the dose. The yield of chromosomal
aberrations, especially exchange type of aberrations, such as dicentrics for a
given radiation dose is similar both in vivo and in vitro. This
characteristic feature can be used to estimate absorbed radiation dose in
victims of radiation accidents. This applied aspect of radiation cytogenetics
will be reviewed in this part.
to the formation of chromosomal aberrations by ionizing radiation
The target for induction of aberrations is DNA. Ionizing radiation
induces several types of damage in DNA, such as, single strand breaks, double
strand breaks (DSB), base damage and cross links. Among these, DSB have been
shown tobe the critical lesion leading to radiation-induced chromosome
aberrations1. Sparsely ionizing radiations, such as X-rays and gamma rays have low
LET (linear energy transfer) values and induce ionizations as well as DNA
damage and chromosomal aberrations randomly distributed among the cells. This
has been shown to be the case following X- or gamma irradiation and induced
aberrations fit a Poisson distribution. With densely ionizing high LET
radiations, such as neutrons, alpha particles, the ionization tracks will be non-randomly
distributed between cells. This characteristic results also in non-random
distribution of chromosome aberrations among the cells and at any observed mean
aberration frequency, there will be more cells with multiple aberrations and
with zero aberrations than expected from a Poisson distribution. Two major
types of aberrations are recognized, namely exchange aberrations (interaction
between two chromosomes) and deletions. Chromosome exchanges include dicentrics
and centric rings (asymmetrical exchanges), as well as translocations
(symmetrical exchanges). The dose response curve for induction of exchange
aberrations induced by low LET radiations is linear-quadratic, exemplifying
contributions of both one and two track events and generally fits the equation:
where Y is the yield
of dicentrics, D is the dose, A is the background frequency, a is the linear coefficient and b is the dose-squared coefficient. With chronic exposure
(low dose rate) to low LET radiation, the yield of dicentrics is linear.
Following high LET radiation, the dose response for induction of dicentrics is
predominantly linear.
Human lymphocytes
Human peripheral blood lymphocytes are predominantly in dormant G0
(pre-DNA synthetic) stage. The majority of the circulating lymphocytes are T
cells (thymus derived), which can be stimulated to proliferate in vitro by
a mitogen such as phytohaemagglutinin (PHA). This makes lymphocytes ideal
target cells for looking for induced aberrations. There are several types of T
lymphocytes with different average life spans.
Radiation accidents
In radiation accidents, it is essential to estimate the absorbed dose in
the victims to help plan their therapy. In most accidents, no physical
dosimetry is available. Even in situations in
which physical measurement is feasible, an independent estimation by
biological methods can be very useful. As blood can be drawn easily in a
non-invasive way, the circulating lymphocytes have been employed as target
cells for estimating absorbed radiation dose in case of accidents. Since in
vitro and in vivo irradiation of lymphocytes induces similar
yields of chromosome damage per unit dose, the absorbed dose can be estimated
by comparing the observed frequency of aberrations in the lymphocytes of accident
victims to dose response curves generated from in vitro experiments. To
assess the extent of damage in the lymphocytes, several end points such as
dicentrics, translocations, micronuclei and fragments in prematurely condensed
chromosomes (PCC) can be used. The choice of the end point depends on the
urgency and accuracy needed in the radiation dose estimate. However, the most
commonly employed end point is the frequency of dicentrics. In most of the
radiation accidents, such as the ones which occurred in Mexico, Chernobyl,
Goiania (Brazil), San Salvador, Istanbul (Turkey), etc. dose estimates were
mainly using the data on the frequencies of dicentrics.
One of the authors (A.T.N) had the responsibility to
set up the biological dosimetry laboratory for the Brazilian National
Commission for Nuclear Energy in Rio de Janeiro in 1986 under the auspices of
the International Atomic Energy Agency and therefore, was involved in
estimating radiation doses of the victims of Goiania accident. In this accident,
which occurred in 1987, a 1375 Ci cesium-137 teletherapy unit was broken by
ignorant individuals looking for scrap metals. The radiactive cesium which was
in the powder form was distributed to several individuals and the whole
neighbourhood was contaminated. Of 11,200 individuals monitored, 249 were
contaminated either internally or externally. Immediately after the detection
of the accident, more than 110 samples of affected persons were analysed for
the frequencies of dicentrics and rings in the lymphocytes4. A prerequisite for
conducting radiation dosimetric studies is the availability of a reliable dose
response curve generated following in vitro irradiation of lymphocytes
with the same type of radiation involved in the accident, in the participating
laboratory. Since no dose response curve for low dose rate 137Cs was available at that
time, an existing calibration curve generated for 60Co g rays at a dose rate of 0.12 Gy/ minute was used for
estimates. Of the 110 individuals analysed, 29 had an estimated dose of 0.5 Gy
and above (0.5–7.0 Gy). When new calibration curves used similar exposure rates
as in the accident, the estimated doses were reduced by about 20% (ref. 5).
Though most of the individuals received an inhomogeneous dose, suggested by the
presence of localized lesions in the skin, all cases except six showed a
Poisson distribution, suggesting whole body irradiation.
In this accident, the exposure pattern was complicated (fractionated,
protracted and internal) resulting in most cases in a distribution
indistinguishable from Poisson. The dose estimates made by this method were
very similar to those generated by physical and chemical dosimetry. The
individual doses estimated fitted very well with the chronology of events in
this accident.
Based on the persistence of lymphocytes carrying
dicentric chromosomes following in vivo exposure, the mean life time of
lymphocytes can been estimated. These estimates made by earlier studies vary
from 530 to 1600 days6. Some classes of lymphocytes persist for more than 50 years
as exemplified by the atom bomb victims from Hiroshima and Nagasaki who still
carry circulating lymphocytes with dicentrics. The Goiania accident provided a
good opportunity to estimate the average life span of lymphocytes in vivo.
In the follow up studies of 10 exposed individuals, the disappearance of
lymphocytes carrying dicentrics was monitored and a mean half-life of about 130
days with a range from 95 to 220 days was estimated7. The lifetime of
lymphocytes may vary according to the health status of the exposed individuals.
Most of the victims under study had a mild to severe leukopoenia, which is
expected to accelerate the repopulation of lymphocyte pool. In the case of two
victims, who had high137 Cs body burden, the aberration yield increased initially with
time (up to about 110 days) in reasonable agreement with estimated doses due to
internal contamination and began to fall following decorporation of radioactive
One can monitor radiation workers in nuclear industry
who receive cumulative exposures. as well as workers accidentally exposed to
radiation, using the frequencies of dicentrics in lymphocytes8. From the distribution of
dicentrics among the lymphocytes one can make dose estimates both for whole
body or partial body irradiation, as well as for exposure to high LET or low
LET radiation or a mixture of these two types of radiation2
Retrospective dosimetry
In cases where biological dosimetry could not be
performed immediately following a radiation accident, it can be done later. As
pointed above, the lymphocytes have limited life span and dicentric carrying
lymphocytes will be eliminated with time. Reciprocal translocations are
relatively stable and in theory can be used successfully for retrospective
dosimetry. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique using
chromosome-specific DNA libraries allows one to detect translocations with
relative ease9. Though claims have been made that from the frequencies of
translocations detected by FISH, one can estimate radiation doses decades after
exposure, based on the study of the atom bomb victims from Japan10, further studies have shown
that there are several limitations in this approach. It is assumed that
translocations and dicentrics following
irradiation are formed in 1 : 1 ratio and hence the frequencies of
translocations retrospectively detected should reflect the initially induced
dicentrics. In vitro studies employing FISH have shown that many more
translocations than dicentrics are induced for a given dose. In a detailed 8-year
follow up study on the victims of Goania radiation accident for which data on
initial frequencies of dicentrics are available, the frequencies of
translocations have been determined11. This study demonstrated that it isfeasible to use
translocation frequencies to estimate radiation dose retrospectively only in
cases where the exposure dose is about 1 Gy and below. At higher doses the
frequencies of translocations decrease, similar to dicentrics, though at a
slower rate. However, translocation frequencies can be helpful to estimate the
cumulative doses in individuals working in the nuclear industry8. Populations living in the
monazite area in Kerala who are chronically exposed to high LET radiation at a
low dose rate will form an ideal cohort for such a study, using FISH technique
to detect accumulated translocations. It is a pity that such a study has not
been taken up, though the FISH technique has been in use for the past 20 years.
Such a study could demonstrate if this population has developed a natural
defence mechanism against radiation damage, as there appears to be no increase
in the incidence of cancer or childhood mortality in this population.
Fingerprint of past radiation exposure
Several types of translocations are induced by
ionizing radiation. Interchanges such as reciprocal, terminal, interstitial and
complex translocations are formed between two or more chromosomes, whereas
intrachanges formed between the arms of one chromosome (pericentric inversions)
or between segments within one arm of a chromosome (paracentric inversions) are
formed. It has been observed high LET radiations such as neutrons induce many
more complexes and interstitial translocations in Chinese hamster splenocytes12, which has been confirmed
in other studies using human cells. Intrachanges are relatively stable
aberrations and remain in circulating lymphocytes over decades after exposure
in plutonium workers from former USSR
and their high frequencies can be used as a signature for past exposure
to high LET radiation13.
In conclusion, radiation cytogenetics has several
practical applications, one of which is biological dosimetry, which has been
exploited successfully in many radiation accidents all over the world. This
approach is also useful in discriminating between false claims of exposure to
radiation and real accidental exposure and is routinely used in national
radiation protection agencies.
Assessing the safety of irradiated food material
During the period 1927–1945, the effects of ionizing
radiation on living systems were largely interpreted on a biophysical basis.
The target or treffer theory of radiation action14–16 was
based on the linear relationship observed between dose and effect.
However, the discovery of ‘oxygen effect’ in radiobiology17–19 strongly suggested a
chemical (physicochemical as well as biochemical) pathway in the actions of
ionizing radiation in cells and organisms. The end of the Second World War in
1945 marked a spurt of intensive research on the biological effects of ionizing
radiation both for peaceful applications and for setting the radiological
protection standards.
It was then that Stone et al.20 reported the production of
mutations in Staphylococcus aureus by irradiation of the substrate and
the possible mutagenic activity of the radiolytic degradation products of the
culture medium. Further studies brought out the possible role of peroxide in
the adverse biological effects of irradiated broth. Wagner et al. showed
that both the irradiated medium and peroxide enhanced the mutation rate in Neurospora.
While these findings of basic value supported a chemical pathway in the
development of radiobiological effects, the potential use of ionizing radiation
in destroying the food spoilage microorganisms also came to light. One who
realized the implications of these findings much in advance and also envisioned
its usefulness as early as 1958 is M. S. Swaminathan. In his article, ‘Atoms
and agriculture’ in The Statesman (6 October 1958), he wrote, ‘The use
of ionizing radiation in food preservation is based on its ability to destroy
the microorganisms and insects which cause food spoilage. The particular
attraction that irradiation offers is that it does not lead to any appreciable
rise in temperature of the foodstuff during treatment. The use of radiation
thus opens up the possibility of a wider distribution of perishable foods in a
fresh state’. At the same time, he emphasized the urgent need for rigorous
genetic toxicological evaluation of the safety of the irradiated food materials
for human consumption. Keeping in view that bulk of the above-mentioned reports
on the indirect effects of ionizing radiation (irradiated medium)
involved prokaryotic test systems, he organized research to investigate the
possible clastogenic activity of irradiated substrate/media on the unirradiated
eukaryotic systems such as plant meristematic cells, human peripheral blood
lymphocytes, and sex-linked recessive lethal mutations as well as visible
mutations in Drosophila melanogaster.
The first of a series of papers elucidating the
clastogenic activity of indirect effects of radiation was published by
Natarajan and Swaminathan23 who had treated Triticum monococcum, T.
dicoccum and T. aestivum and Allium cepa bulbs with
X-irradiated water and cultured the embryos of T. monococcum and T.
dicoccum in irradiated White’s medium. The authors found increased
frequency of chromosomal aberrations which they attributed to free
radicals/biochemical products resulting from radiolysis of water and the
medium. A little later, Natarajan reported that irradiated thymidine solution (0.7%
irradiated with a total dose of
7.5 ´ 106 rad (7.5 ´ 104 Gy) of gamma rays) caused a high frequency of chromosome
aberrations in the root meristems of barley.
During the early 1960s, Swaminathan and his co-workers
published a series of significant papers25–29, which all clearly established the clastogenic
activity of irradiated potato mash, fruit juices and culture media. In
particular, the observation that the barley embryos cultured on X-irradiated
potato substrate (20 kR/0.20 kGy) and stored at 2–3°C for about seven months showed 8-fold increase in the
frequency of occurrence of cells with micronuclei was of particular concern. In
a critical review, Kesavan and Swaminathan have discussed in detail all aspects
of food irradiation from the point of view of their genetic safety for human
consumption. The major points in conclusion are:
1. Potatoes irradiated with 6–10 kR (0.06 to 0.10 kGy) do not exhibit any
detectable cytotoxic effect. The earlier experiments used much higher doses 20
kR, (0.2 kGy) and the test systems consisted of plant meristems, which do not
have detoxification systems as of animals particularly
the mammals.
2. In the cytological studies, it was demonstrated27 that there occurs a decrease
in pH and an increase in the peroxide content of the irradiated fruit juices.
Bradley et al. reported that when the pH of the irradiated sucrose
solution was between 4.6 and 7.2 no more chromosome aberration was found than
by control solutions, but at pH values lower than 4.6, the percentages of
abnormal anaphases in root tips of Vicia faba exposed to either control
or irradiated sucrose (2%) solutions increased with decreasing pH. However,
Kesavan, et al.32 found that the decreased pH of the irradiated sucrose
solutions is not the major cause of the observed chromosomal aberrations and
growth inhibition. They implicated radiolytic products with considerable
life-span. In this regard, the detailed review on the radiation chemistry
of carbohydrates is relevant. The radiolytic products of sucrose solutions have
further received a great deal of attention. These studies have shown that the
deleterious compounds produced in the irradiated sucrose solutions appear to be
hydroxyalkyl peroxides (HAP) derived from the interaction of radiolytic
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) with carbonyl compounds produced in the radiolysis of sucrose. It has
also been demonstrated that histidine- peroxide adduct strongly inhibits the
growth of Salmonella typhimurium in glucose medium at pH 7.0. The
catalase reactive hydroperoxides predominate in irradiated oxygen-free sucrose,
while the catalaseresistant dialkyl peroxides predominate in irradiated
oxygenated sucrose solutions.
What has emerged finally from the application of
cytogenetic methods for the genotoxic evaluation of irradiated food materials
by Swaminathan and co-workers is: (i) that milk, fruit juices and many liquids
rich in sugars are just not suitable for preservation by irradiation. This is
because the radiolytic products of water are the major cause of the degradation
of the organic molecules (e.g. sucrose, glucose)
as follows:
H2O ® °OH, °H, eaq
RH2 ® °RH + °H (Direct effect) (2)
RH2 + °OH ® °RH + H2O (Indirect effect) (3)
When O2 is present, °RH is converted into °RHOO. When water is absent, the in situ °RH and °H can undergo harmless recombination:
°RH + °H ® RH2 (Restitution) (4)
The restitution of °RH to RH2 is indeed favoured by
storage at high (~ 37°C) temperatures even if
oxygen diffuses slowly into the irradiated seeds
(ii) The studies by Swaminathan and his co-workers with irradiated potato
mash substrate essentially brought out that both the dose of irradiation, and
the temperature as well as the duration of storage are important. It is noted
that Chopra and Swaminathan26 had stored irradiated potatoes (20 kR/0.20 kGy) at 2–3°C for about seven months and these potatoes still exhibited
clastogenic activity though much reduced. In this regard, the studies by
Ehrenberg and his co-workers are of relevance. They showed that the main
fraction of the free radicals induced in food by irradiation have a half-life
around 48 h at 25°C. After six months of
storage at +25°C, the radical content was zero or less than one
percent of the value, whereas at –20°C, the decay was slower,
leaving 10–20 percent of the initial concentration.
It should, therefore, be appreciated that in radiation
preservation of potatoes, onions, food grains, spices, etc. the very purpose is
to extend their shelf-life at temperatures between 15 ± 3°C (potatoes) and 30 ± 5°C (for grains, pulses,
spices, etc.) for at least three months to one year or more. The permitted
doses of irradiation are also relatively much lower than used in experimental
The extensive studies by Kesavan and his students clearly brought out the
influence of initial seed moisture content and post-irradiation hydration temperature on
the kinetics
of reactivity towards oxygen or decay of oxygensensitive sites in barley system. It
was also evident that a slow process of ‘thermal annealment’ of the radiationinduced free radicals results in
their harmless decay. In the case of irradiated (75 krad or 7.5 kGy) wheat, the
storage at the
summer room temperatures (35 ± 5°C) would result in harmless decay of the free radicals. While these
irradiated grains are safe from stored grain pests, there will be no development of
post-irradiation long-lived/stable radiolytic products. In fact, quite
extensive cytogenetic investigations by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai, have unequivocally
established that even the
freshly irradiated (75 krad/7.5 kGy) wheat fed to mice and rats does not result
in genotoxic effects and are absolutely safe for human consumption.
A two-member committee (P. C. Kesavan and P. V.
Sukhatme) appointed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of
India in 1975 carefully examined all the published as well as the unpublished
data and concluded in their report that the irradiated (75krad) wheat
was safe for human consumption. The details are published elsewhere. The
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), USA cited the report of the
Kesavan–Sukhatme Committee and published their final rule in 1986 that
the gamma-irradiated (75 krad) wheat is absolutely safe, and could be consumed
by the humans with impunity.
Thus, starting with his vision in 1958, that ionizing
radiation could be used to destroy the pests and organisms, which cause the
spoilage of food, and through a series of cytogenetic studies with his students
and co-workers, Swaminathan has played a very significant and responsible role
in establishing the food irradiation programme in India on a safe and sound
scientific premise. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC, Mumbai) with its
own in-depth research on genetic toxicological safety of irradiated food
materials has come to the same conclusion that liquids rich in
sugar (e.g. milk, fruit juices) are not suitable for radiation
preservation, while on the other hand, food grains, spices, pulses, fish,
poultry, meat and beef irradiated at the prescribed doses using gamma
rays or electrons up to 10 MeV are absolutely safe. With these radiation
sources, there is no induced radioactivity in the food materials. The sprout
inhibition doses for potatoes and onions are really in the low dose (0.06 to
1.00 kGy) regime.
It is indeed very gratifying that the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, Government of India has given clearance for trade in
irradiated food materials ranging from potatoes, onions, turmeric, garlic and
ginger for sprout-inhibition, mangoes for delaying the ripening; wheat, rice
and pulses for disinfestation during storage and fish, poultry, meat, beef and
spices for sterilization against pathogenic microorganisms. Food irradiation is
now widely accepted in the
globalized international trade and it is emerging as an energy-
effective, post-harvest processing and preservation technology.
Major Radiation Exposure in Real Life Events
and Nagasaki
For more information on what happened
at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, consult the nuclear past page and
the nuclear
warfare page.
Many people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki
died not directly from the actual explosion, but from the radiation released as
a result of the explosion. For example, a fourteen-year-old boy was admitted to
a Hiroshima hospital two days after the explosion, suffering from a high fever
and nausea. Nine days later his hair began to fall out. His supply of white
blood cells dropped lower and lower. On the seventeenth day he began to bleed
from his nose, and on the twenty-first day he died.
At Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the few
surviving doctors observed symptoms of radiation sickness for the first time.
In his book Nagasaki 1945, Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki wrote of the
puzzling, unknown disease, of symptoms that "suddenly appeared in certain
patients with no apparent injuries." Several days after the bombs
exploded, doctors learned that they were treating the effects of radiation
exposure. "We were now able to label our unknown adversary 'atomic disease'
or 'radioactive contamination' among other names. But they were only labels: we
knew nothing about its cause or cure... Within seven to ten days after the
A-bomb explosion, people began to die in swift succession. They died of the
burns that covered their bodies and of acute atomic disease. Innumerable people
who had been burnt turned a mulberry color, like worms, and died... The
disease," wrote Dr. Akizuki, "destroyed them little by little. As a
doctor, I was forced to face the slow and certain deaths of my patients."
Doctors and nurses had no idea of how
their own bodies had been affected by radioactivity. Dr. Akizuki wrote,
"All of us suffered from diarrhea and a discharge of blood from the gums,
but we kept this to ourselves. Each of us thought: tomorrow it might be me...
We became stricken with fear of the future." Dr. Akizuki survived, as did
several hundred thousand others in or near Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In fact, at
least ten people who had fled from Hiroshima to Nagasaki survived both
The survivors have suffered
physically from cataracts, leukemia and other cancers, malformed offspring, and
premature aging, and also emotionally, from social discrimination. Within a few
months of the nuclear explosions, leukemia began to appear among the survivors
at an abnormally high rate. Some leukemia victims were fetuses within their
mothers' wombs when exposed to radiation. One child who was born two days after
the Hiroshima explosion eventually died of acute leukemia at the age of
eighteen. The number of leukemia cases has declined with time, but the
incidence of lung cancer, thyroid cancer, breast cancer, and cancers of other
organs has increased among the survivors.
Three Mile Island
For more information on what happened
at Three Mile Island, consult the nuclear past page.
On a Wednesday morning, maintenance
workers cleaning sludge from a small pipe blocked the flow of water in the main
feedwater system of a reactor at Three Mile Island near Harrisburg,
Pennsylvania. The sift foreman heard "loud, thunderous noises, like a
couple of freight trains," coming. Since the reactor was still producing
heat, it heated the blocked cooling water around its core hot enough to create
enough pressure to have popped a relief valve. Some 220 gallons of water per
minute began flowing out of the reactor vessel. Within five minutes after the
main feedwater system failed, the reactor, deprived of all normal and emergency
sources of cooling water, and no longer able to use its enormous energy to
generate electricity, gradually started to tear itself apart.
The loss of coolant at the reactor
continued for some 16 hours. Abort a third of the core melted down. Radioactive
water flowed through the stuck relief valve into an auxiliary building, where
it pooled on the floor. Radioactive gas was released into the atmosphere. An
estimated 140,000 people were evacuated from the area. It took a month to
stabilize the malfunctioning unit and safely shut it down. The reactor was a
total loss and the cleanup required years of repair and hundreds of millions of
No one was reported injured and the
little radiation that leaked out was quickly dispersed. Although this accident
did cost lots of money and time, no one was hurt.
For more information on what happened
at Chernobyl, consult the nuclear past page.
A far more serious accident occured
at Chernobyl, in what was then still the Soviet Union. At the time of the
accident, the Chernobyl nuclear power station consisted of four operating 1,000
megawatt power reactors. Without question, the accident at Chernobyl was the
result of a fatal combination of ignorance and complacency. "As members of
a select scientific panel convened immediately after the... accident,"
writes Nobel laureate Hans Bethe, "my colleagues and I established
that the Chernobyl disaster tells us about the deficiencies of the Soviet
political and administrative system rather than about problems with nuclear
Although the problem at Chernobyl was
relatively complex, it can basically be summarized as a mismanaged electrical
engineering experiment which resulted in the reactor exploding. The explosion
was chemical, driven by gases and steam generated by the core runaway, not by
nuclear reactions. Flames, sparks, and chunks of burning material were flying
into the air above the unit. These were red-hot pieces of nuclear fuel and
graphite. About 50 tons of nuclear fuel evaporated and were released by the
explosion into the atmosphere. In addition, about 70 tons were ejected sideways
from the periphery of the core. Some 50 tons of nuclear fuel and 800 tons of
reactor graphite remained in the reactor vault, where it formed a pit
reminiscent of a volcanic crater as the graphite still in the reactor had
turned up completely in a few days after the explosion.
The resulting radioactive release was
equivalent to ten Hiroshimas. In fact, since the Hiroshima bomb was
air-burst--no part of the fireball touched the ground--the Chernobyl release
polluted the countryside much more than ten Hiroshimas would have done. Many
people died from the explosion and even more from the effects of the radiation
later. Still today, people are dying from the radiation caused by the Chernobyl
accident. The estimated total number of deaths will be 16,000.
Medical Treatment
For a more in-depth view of current
medical technologies available to the treatment of radiation, go to the medical imaging
There is currently no effective
medical treatment available for potentially fatal radiation doses. The case of
the Japanese boy mentioned above illustrates an important fact about radiation
sickness. The boy had probably received a dose of 450 rems or more, yet his
symptoms were about the same as those of a person who received about 300 rems.
Medical science has no way of telling the difference between people who have
received fatal doses and will die despite all efforts and others who received
less radiation and can be saved. Treatment for the ones that can be saved
includes blood transfusions and bone-marrow transplants. Bone-marrow
transplants rejuvenate the supply of white blood cells which was affected by
the radiation.
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